Bose - sometimes misunderstood
We humans are funny things, what we think we know. What we expect. What we like and what we don’t understand.
The brand Bose conjures many mixed reactions. There are those that absolutely love it, and those that absolutely don’t. But with passion!
Having sold against Bose for many years and now for the past 8 years selling the brand I have come to understand a few things about the products and where it is positioned in the AV market place.
Firstly let me start where it all started because to understand the product you first have to understand the man that created the product. Dr Amar Bose.
A young man fascinated by electronics with an active imagination. He was a visionary, a creator and an educator. He would look at a problem and solve it. What I admire most is his determination not to let failure stop his momentum. Today we see a large multinational company with numerous successful products. The more successful an entity becomes the more haters creep out from the woodworks.
I don’t make comparisons with Bose entertainment systems and conventional entertainment systems, I judge the product on how it performs in a given space, will it solve the customer problem?
A Bose customer is someone who:
- Wants a quality entertainment system rather than a dedicated music or theatre system
- Wants simplicity of control
- Wants to enjoy what ever they are watching or listening to but is not too concerned on whether it is a dedicated stereo signal, 5.1 signal if it is Dolby Digital or DTS processing.
- Wants good vocal articulation
- Wants to be immersed in sound and likes the WOW factor
- Has limited cabinet space and likes to hide the electronics
- Wants a to experience the sound with out necessarily having to look at speakers
- Wants a set and forget approach to the system, once its working and calibrated will not fiddle with settings.
- Wants a long term AV solution
- Wants 1 remote control to control all the AV equipment
- Wants value for money
What I find with Bose products, be it the lifestyle systems or standalone speakers, they work well in spaces where other products fail. I was never quite sure why but when researching Dr Bose I discovered how much emphases he placed in room acoustics, knowing that no room was the same, no space alike.
This video Dream + Reach is great insight into Dr Bose and worth a look.
I will leave with one of my favorite quotes by Albert Schweitzer as referenced by Dr Bose: What is bad is not that man lives and dies but what dies within man while he lives.
Perhaps the most important thing that dies within man while he lives is his imagination. The thing that keeps you going and keeps you creative is to never loose your imagination. Always dream of things that are better and think about ways to reach those things.
So lets not judge product based on opinion and start enjoying products that solve our home entertainment problems. We have many Bose systems setup in our showroom of you to audition so why not come in and listen for yourself.
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