When should you consider Home Automation?
Technology sure is moving at a fast pace and today there is so much choice when it comes to Home Automation and Home Entertainment. With the rise of voice activated products it can be overwhelming. Is this too much or is technology really making our lives easier.
Home Automation used to be focused around security and monitoring systems however more and more devices like your TV, streaming amplifiers and wireless speakers are now app controlled. Learning how to navigate software is becoming normal in the way we interact and operate our home devices.
So the question around when to consider Home Automation is an interesting one. A lot depends on your tolerance to adapt and embrace what lies ahead of you if you embark on this path. You may see headlines from brands that home automation will make your life easier and in some cases if you are willing to change and learn new ways Automation can certainly simplify your life. However there are some realities that you must face including your network infrastructure and your ability to understand and control the devices you have available to you.
If you’re renovating or building a new home this is the perfect time to sit down with your electrician and engage with an audio visual specialist who can advise you on how far you want to take home automation. Your home network needs to be rock solid so do your research and ensure that your Internet provider has given you the right set up, this is your first step to having things working properly.
Adding network devices to improve your existing network can also be area of confusion. Today there are tools that can help identify problem areas within your network. If talking about networks and technology starts to give you a pain in your gut and you raise your hands in the air “Saying don’t want to know” or “I just don’t understand what to do” or “ I hate technology” then these are all signs that you need some professional assistance.
The real question here is “How much control do you want?”. It also requires everyone in your home to sit together and have an open discussion about what devices do you want automated. We call it setting the scenes which simply means the level of programming inside your house, which includes functions like automatic lighting or time settings on curtains, just to name a few simple functions. There are many scenes that can be programmed it all comes down how you as an individual or family go about living in your home.
Now you may just say "NO" to home automation all together and this is perfectly fine you can still use traditional remote controls to turn things on and off devices. Home Automation is not for everyone and it all comes down to your tolerance to embrace technology. Yes you may be pushed outside of your comfort zone but at the end of the day the decision to automate or not automate is yours. Your home entertainment matters and we are here to help not matter what level of control you want. Our staff’s main priority is to have our customer’s enjoy their home entertainment without any fuss. If you need help you can reach us in our showroom located in Mona Vale Northern Beaches.
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